Tag Archives: Déjà vu

Déjà vu


“Omigosh! i just had a Déjà vu.”Déjà vu

Déjà vu. The experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. – wikipedia-

Déjà vu is a very funny thing, a moment of recognition of a moment that never really happened. One particular episode that remains foremost in my mind was during a recent…adventure with 11 friends, overseas, under the supervision of a teacher.

Once landed in the country we were in for a distressing, not to mention nasty, surprise. Our accommodation was a massive let down, exceeding beyond my most wildest nightmares, way past the point my imagination could…imagine. In near-depression and despondency, close to helplessness, amidst sobs and complaints of the others (and possibly, myself), with a translucent hue of disaster tainting my thoughts, I had, in the least expected and most unimaginable situation, a déjà vu.

Momentarily stunned, I wondered how in the world had I previously imagined a scene that I could never have foreseen, that I could never have concocted from such minimal exposure to soiled mattresses, roach-infested, insect breeding, cobweb-strewn, un-secured lodging in my, admittedly, sheltered life.

Though ironic, that little niggling feeling that unreasonably insists the impossible, lightened the mood (well, at least my mood) considerably, and though anxious and worried about the inevitable nightfall in the said place, I tried to enjoy the moment to the best of my abilities.

We soon moved to a more satisfactory housing, where we lived happily ever after, well till the end of the trip obviously, but to this day I have never forgotten that impossible déjà vu.