Tag Archives: humans


Bungee jumping

It takes you to distant lands and dear though not-so-near ones in the far reaches of our planet.

The food’s not great, the air is stale and you’re constantly risking E.Coli and Deep Vein Thrombosis, yet travelling by airplanes is almost a normal part of our lives. We think nothing of getting onto a plane, but we are trusting our lives in the hands of people just like us and technology. It’s a great leap of faith, the sort of leap we’re not always willing to take at the best of times.

Not many people are ready to try some slightly peculiar cultural foods when they come across them, sometimes denying them a flavour-filled utopia, even if for just the moment. Not a very life-threatening leap if you consider it. In regards to choices, we as a race seem to have a slightly convoluted decision-making sense. One would jump of a bridge while only connected to a cord for an adrenaline rush, yet we hesitate when buying a phone or speaking our minds.

We need to put everything into perspective before making life-changing decisions, because our reality is a mental disorder on its own.

Flying and a little other stuff