Tag Archives: doomsday



Everywhere we look, we see limits.

The limits of a life, the limit of how long we can hold our breath, the limit of time, the limit of minuteness, our limited ability to truly absorb large just how many grains of sand litter the golden shores around us

Our limited ability to absorb large inconceivable numbers and values; like the number of celestial bodies in the universe and even how many people inhabit this planet. The limits of our mortal understanding is quite frustrating. to not know or to be capable of understanding other dimensions or to not be privy to the baffling secrets of light. to be limited, even, by our own imagination, unable to predict the appearance of extra-terrestrial beings or the impacts and effects of extra, undiscovered forces or energies.

The limit of time. Time is a limiting factor in anything; growth, progress, evolution, entropy. Because it’s so steady and immovable and only a set amount can be done in a certain amount of time,we are its prisoners. Waiting, rushing simultaneously; in different perspectives we could be doing either, all because of Time.

The limit of minuteness. Simply put: Planck’s Length. The absolute limit in how small we can zoom into anything. There’s no going any further than the quantum level.

Biological limits, like so many other innumerable boundaries; untouchable and unsurpassable. Longevity has its limit, as do biological clocks and organs working under wear and tear.

Everything has an end.

Except the Universe.

..for now.



Today marks the tenth anniversary of  another dark stain of the tapestry of mankind’s story.

On this day, nearly a decade ago, shocking  news spread worldwide within a matter of seconds. The incident that would forever be known as ‘9/11’. Televisions through out the globe flickering on, one by one, to confirm the fall of the twin towers. Like tinder catching fire.

The terrorist attack that left the global population stunned, not just stunned, but bereft of several thousands of people never to see their families again. People from all over the world, all phoning to check on their family, their friends, their spouses. Calls that went unanswered, calls that would never be answered.

Everyone simultaneously holding their breath and sobbing for a sliver of hope that, like their phone calls, would go unanswered.

The world wept that day, and continue to weep to this day on. The living, sorry for the loss, but more terrified at the realisation of their vulnerability in this mass-armed era. Their lives no longer left for them to do what they will.

The End of the World… Again!


Sick EarthArnold Schwazeneger - The TerminatorThe End of the World…AGAIN!

I know this is a little late, but why do we KEEP falsely predicting the end of the world?

I believe it’s our fear and trepidation of ‘the unknown’. Because we do not know what to expect, whether we believe that God controls it or not, we fear it. That is why we as a planet have put so much money into our weapons and science. We want to research and uncover as much as possible so we can protect ourselves against any future dangers that may come from outer space or a disease epidemic.
Space travel and satellites are physical evidence of our curiousity and our desire for knowledge.
The end of the world is one of the biggest mysteries we have ever encountered, so to make up for this gaping abyss in our knowledge we try our best to predict thee answer, resulting in a whole load of false predictions and alarm for no reason.
The world will end… someday; but it will be unexpected and unforeseeable.