“Why do people kill people who kill people to show other people that killing people is wrong?”


stabber_stabbing_stabber_stabbing_victimWhy do people kill people who kill people to show other people that killing people is wrong?

You may have to read it several times before you can make sense of the question, but this problem it is a real and major issue in society today. The Death Penalty.

What I’m trying to say is:WDPKPWKPTSOPTKPIW

Why do people (the government/prosecutors) kill people who kill people (murderers) to show other people (potential criminals/murderers) that killing people is wrong?

It a simple question (in a not so simple form :P) that has caused a massive controversy, especially in the United States. While several states have abolished the practice, others continue legalising this form of MURDER!

 I find it pretty stupid and largely hypocritical. I mean, come on!

3 responses »

  1. Hey, Thanks for posting this. You have made some really interesting point in this article. I like it and I’ll keep coming back. Bye!

  2. Philosophers have long pondered over this question. Shall we kill those who kill others ? Socrates asked a fundamental question : “What one ought to do ?”

    How do we deal with a person who has killed another ? What we ought to do ? Forgive, punish or kill. What will true justice be. What will true deterrent be.

    The answer may be found in 3 dimensions or approaches to ethics societies or individuals follow. They are called (1) Utilitarianist approach, (2) Deontological approach or (3) Virtue ethics.


    Vinod Tellis

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