Message in a bottle…


Mssg in a bttlThe unending length of sand, as white and unchanging as a blank canvas, stretched out before me, in a constant battle, warring with the waves for a satisfactory border. The constant lapping and incessant squawking of the gulls added to the dull, repetitive, monotony of the days that were, the days that are and the days to come. My endurance had petered out and despair set in, the debilitating hopelessness of the situation all but consumed me. As the ocean clung to the vast expanse of blue on the horizon, static, never changing, I prayed for a way out of this kaleidoscopic nightmare in one last burst of desperation.

 I started off on this trip, hoping for a break from the dreary day-to-day life, the computer’s ceaseless glare, instead I end up here, in this more-so dismal walk of life. The voyage started off well, luring you into a false sense of security, but then, without you really noticing, little things changed, like the build-up to the climax of a storm, which was exactly what happened, a storm. As we struggled to head to the life boats, the ship capsized into the ocean, pulling the unfortunate victims into its briny depths. Somehow I was lucky, but I wonder if I was really lucky or did fate bestow upon me an infinitely worse fortune.

Now my lonely days are spent scouring the shores for useful junk that may wash up from who-knows-where. As I was walking along the shore, staring out in the distance, a sudden sharp bullet of pain shot up from my left foot. There, buried under the sand I saw a greenish, glass bottle, it was the first interesting thing I’d seen in a long while. I scratched away at the surrounding ground thinking that maybe it could be useful. I picked it up, and as I peered inside, I got the shock of my life!

Within the confines of that average bottle was the largest, most beautiful, diamond solitaire, untouched by its inconceivably long ocean voyage. Along with it was a note, one that said,

“To whoever may find this message, I give you this ring, as I no longer have any use for it. I have wed three times, and was never granted a happy ending. Do with it what you will. Signed and sealed, hopefully bringing you better luck, Jamie Gilligan.”

 Short and sweet. I re-read it several times before it consciously sunk into my brain. Here, this guy has truly given up trying to communicate with people or build a relationship with another in a social environment, whereas I struggle to keep sane in the wilds of an uninhabited island, verging on delusional from lack of social interaction. The bitter irony of the situation.

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