Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow


procrastinationProcrastination. The epidemic that students of this generation are born with, a tiny little word ( well, pretty long actually, it’s five syllables, but you get what I mean) with enormous consequences.

We, the students of today, are constantly given homework and assignments, all not due for atleast another 5 days. This liberty and time has paved way for a habitual delaying of our duties and homework, which in it’s own time, after constant repetition, produces an unalterable state of affairs.

I, personally, admit that I am a devoted patron of the Procrastinators United Society (ignore the fact that it’s antonym spells out ‘P.U.S.’ :P). I and a few fellow classmates (who I will keep unnamed, but they themsleves have the opportunity to reveal themselves in the comments below, should they wish to) are Procratination buddies.

We keep each other company, awake late into the night before the said assignment is due, running ideas back and forth, discussing all the possible answers and methods that can be applied in order to emerge victorious in the violent battle against bearings and cosine rules, or circumstantial application of a certain french verb in a specific context. All this through our never failing (though it sometimes does, at the worst moments) MSN or our trusty cordless phones (that die in the midst of ‘x is equal to 14.3 squared multiplied by the inversed 12 over 5’).

We’re our own little nation, and though we’re spread all over the world, we’re there hiding behind the smartest of the smart and the Queen of the stupid-though-not-really-but-only-seems-like-it. It may not be the best of qualities, and if you can change for the better, I urgently urge you to do so, but if not, we can only do the best we can with the least of our abilities.

And  remember, “Procrastinators Unite TOMORROW!”

So yeah…

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