Food of the Gods…


baking, oozing Choco lavaBaking is something I’ve done since the age of 8. I never learnt how to make soup or simple, white rice, but instead I jumped straight on to the good stuff!

I’ve always loved the sheer delicacy of an evenly balanced combination of ingredients, the way a good cake melts in you mouth, but even better, the way a GREAT brownie lifts your every individual taste-bud up into a fudge-brownie heaven.

There’s absolutely nothing like the satisfaction of a delumptious, scrumplicious home-baked cake. The commercially bought cakes taste so normal and have a texture like dry powder, or else like they’ve been soaked in water to make them moist.

Since I started baking, there has never been a time I haven’t felt the amazement and wonder of a wonderful aromatic cake fresh out of the oven, the moist, spongy to the touch but heart-melting in the best sense, tofeeness of a golden brown steamed treacle pudding, the dark, chocolatey, fudgieness of triple chocolate brownies, the way the whole house glows with the smell of soft, chewy, mouth-watering goodness and you just want to bottle up the smell and make it last for ever and ever and ever.

It literally is: “Heaven on a plate.”

Baked goods are food of the Gods…

…lucky for us they felt like sharing 😛

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